Friday, December 7, 2007

Mushroom For Good Health

Am not a doctor. I don't even know how to get blood pressure or read a thermometer. I am just a health conscious person who loves reading about supplements, vitamins and the latest health trend in the market. Am not all knowing though. I just believe that whatever works for me must be shared with my friends so that they can also benefit from it.

The latest in the long list of supplements that I tried is the Ganocelium and Reishi Gano by DXN. It is touted as a cleansing agent. It will flush out toxin and maintain general well being. I tried it and am a happy user.

First thing that I noticed is that my sleep has been deeper and I wake up feeling refreshed and relaxed. My appetite too has been regulated. I don't crave anymore for empty calories. I eat three full meals a day and that's it. All in all my body functions have been repaired and am good as new.
Don't take my word for it. You gotta try it yourself. Each body has different needs so it is your obligation to find what works best with yours.

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